Recently, the class of 2013 gathered in Los Angeles for “College to Career Night,” an annual networking event for young professionals. Click past the break to see photos and learn more about the event!

Every year, we host a constantly-growing networking event for recent and soon-to-be professionals in the LA area.  Our “College to Career Night” – now in its fourth year – is designed with a focus on upperclassmen, who have a unique hunger for learning the ins and outs of post-academic life, as they look forward to graduation.  We put these energetic students in direct contact with veteran alumni – those who have already cleared the bar they set for themselves while in school, and made the leap into the professional world.

Both graduating undergrad seniors and grad students are paired with graduates who share interests and career fields, in small groups, exchanging tips, advice, and contacts, in two sessions over cocktails.  Think speed-dating, but with a focus on long-lasting, productive relationships, formed through exposure to new people, opportunities, ideas, and connections.  Participants are encouraged to network between interest groups as well, in an up-scale setting which is outgoing yet simultaneously free from the typical distractions of a busy bar.  Following the structured networking, the event becomes an alumni mixer which allows the Class of 2013 to connect with even more alumni.

The diversity of attendees this year reinforced that, while Hollywood is certainly the busiest place for film production, Los Angeles and the greater southern California region is home to far more than the film industry, with burgeoning opportunities for public relations specialists, television stars, writers of all stripes, visual artists, and more.  A couple of our favorite quotes:



Interested in participating in next year’s event?  Contact Sorrel Geddes and connect with the Dodge College Alumni Network on Facebook (Dodge College alumni only!) in the meantime.