Please join us on
Thursday, April 25 at 7:00 p.m. in Folino Theater
for our inaugural Project W: Stories of Women Creating Change Documentary Screening.

This year, Dodge College launched a new documentary initiative to make films about inspiring women leaders across the country who are creating change through stories of courage in the face of adversity.

Project W Stories of Women Creating Change Poster

Project W Stories of Women Creating Change, Thursday, April 25 at 7:00 p.m. in Folino Theater.

The four documentary profiles include
We Are the Land
– a story of a Native American leading the fight to stop fracking on her reservation in Montana;
Culture Over Everything
– a story of a young African American woman uplifting her community through hip-hop;
– a film about a woman in the Pacific Northwest who leads victims of sex trafficking to healing through art; and
– a film about transgendered activists here in Southern California.

Please join us as we view and celebrate these films, their subjects and the student filmmakers behind the lens’.

The screening is
and open to the public. The event will be followed by a
food reception and discussion with the filmmakers.