The Rehoboth Beach Film Society awarded their Fierberg student film awards at the Rehoboth Beach Film Festival last week and – once again – Chapman swept the awards!
Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival Poster 2013

Out of all the undergraduate film submissions from around the country, the Grand Prize and Runner Up prize both went to Dodge College students.
Andrej Landin’s film
Into the Silent Sea
won the $1000 Grand Prize, and Owen Schwartzbard’s film
The Bluff
won $250 with an honorable mention.

In 2011, these
same two prizes
were given to Chapman films as well!  The winners two years ago were
Incest! The Musical
(dir. Grant Reed) and
Election Day
(dir. Zach Wechter).

At first, I thought I was having deja vu.  But nope: we’re just that consistent!

So, is your project good enough to help keep the Chapman legacy of winners going on the East Coast?

Start planning now!  The Rehoboth Beach Film Society will be accepting submissions again next Spring. There is no entry fee to submit, but only undergraduate films that are produced in the current year may apply. For more information,
check out their website