As anyone in any media-related field will tell you, getting exposure and developing a public presence others can relate to is simply the best route you can take to success as a young adult about to the enter the workforce.

Get your work seen now: submit it to us here, or add yourself to the Vimeo Student Group and share it with everyone!

That’s why all of our biggest annual events feature our very best student work, front and center.  First Cut, taking place on both coasts, is one of the most celebrated and well-attended events we have, and revolves entirely around showing the nation – and the world – a small slate of student films that showcase our student body’s creativity and talent.  Apart from the end-of-year thesis screenings, where all student projects are shown on the Folino Theater’s huge screen, students wishing to show off their projects can also apply to have their film included in the graduation weekend screenings, and Homecoming Weekend, as well.

But, what if you want to show
people your amazing work?  Or even better, what if you are looking to be discovered by people you don’t already know?

Chances are, you’ve already set up some kind of online profile, where you can share specific pieces of your work with a select (or, public) group of people.  Which is great, except that also means your films are living off on their own, siloed from other kinds of content people might also be searching for.

Dodge College Vimeo Group Page
This is why, several years ago,
we created a Vimeo group specifically for Chapman students and alumni
.  Only our Chapman friends are accepted, so you’ll find a mix of great student, and alumni, work, with all kinds of different budgets, teams, and goals.  But unlike hosting your content on a site like Facebook, everyone can see the work posted by the group — even if they’re not part of it.

Beyond the excellent tools
gives to independent filmmakers — such as more flexible monetization options than YouTube, better privacy and embedding controls, fewer ads, a faster video player, better statistics about how your content is performing, etc. — the best thing is the community is already known for excellent, curated, artistic work.  If YouTube is all cat videos and comment flame-wars, Vimeo is a safe haven on the web for people who truly want to be appreciated as artists.

And that brings us, to you.

Certainly, you’re learning a skill and getting better as you go.  Certainly, years after graduating, you will look back at your early work and marvel at how far you’ve come.

, you’re also producing inspired, creative, work
right now
that you’re proud of — and more importantly — that you want to show off


If that describes you, then
take a few minutes, right now, to submit your strongest works, using this form

Vimeo screengrab
If selected, your videos might be included as part of one or more of our online showcases:
on our website
Vimeo channel
student group
as a blog post
, and more.  One thing will be for certain, though: your video
be seen by more people.  With about 60,000 hits to our video content per year, you’re likely to be seen by
a lot more

The form is simple, asking for basic info like the team members names and roles, film description, production or festival notes, etc., and allows you to either simply submit a link to your video where we can find and download it online, or use one of a few different delivery methods to get it to us.  (Point us to it on the DigiShare drive, use a one-off service like MediaFire, even submitting a physical DVD, if you’re still into that kind of thing.)

If you ever have a project that’s a bit outside the lines, either in length, format, content, interactivity, or medium, feel free to
drop me a line personally
and I’ll help you set up a better way to show it off.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll share!