Portrait of Professor of Fred Ginsburg

Professor Fred Ginsburg

Fred Ginsburg
CAS PhD BKSTS, an Adjunct professor in the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, will be instructing workshops all week during the
2014 National Association of Broadcasters conference
being held in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 7-11.

Dr. Ginsburg, who teaches location audio recording for film/video to our cinema students, will be conducting live seminars as a featured Guest Speaker on behalf of Audio Technica USA, one of the world’s foremost manufacturer of microphones. In addition to his live presentations, one 30 minute session each day will be streamed over the internet (
listen here
). Different aspects of Production Sound will be covered each day, including: Selection & Rigging of Lavaliers; Planted Microphones; Boom Microphones; and the Multi-track Workflow. These workshops, geared for professionals working in the film/video production community, are excerpts of what is taught to our own Chapman students during Dr. Ginsburg’s semester long course.

Dr. Ginsburg is an award winning soundmixer with decades of experience on feature films, episodic television series, commercials, corporate, and government. Fred is a member of the Cinema Audio Society and the BKSTS.