Recognizing a growing interest in documentary films by students as well as audiences, Dodge College faculty have designed a new M.F.A. in Documentary Film to launch next year.

The M.F.A. in Documentary Film at Dodge College is a unique, 2-year documentary program that will focus on the study and creation of feature-length documentaries. Students will receive hands-on production experience, learn about the history and aesthetics of the documentary form, study documentary genres, and learn how to develop compelling, original content for feature-length documentaries through a rigorous, interdisciplinary research and creative development process. These essential skills will also give our graduates a special advantage in the production of all other forms of documentary film.

“Our purpose in outlining an emphasis on the feature documentary form is to look beyond making short academic exercise films and to examine and create longer, more substantial exploratory docs,” says professor and documentarian Sally Rubin.

In addition, students will learn how to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that targets distributors as well theatrical, cable and festival release.

Applications are due December 1 with classes commencing in Fall 2015.

For more information, and to apply, visit