Dodge Students Behind Popular Blog Doling Out Internship Advice
February 13, 2015
It’s no secret that Chapman’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts is one of the best film schools in the world. We are number #1 in the sheer size and number of student productions, the only school with a Screen Acting and defined Television program, and our school is ranked the #7 film school by The Hollywood Reporter. There’s also about 250 students from Dodge interning in Hollywood and Los Angeles every semester. The favorite of several major studios, Chapman students score highly competitive internships – some with less than a 1% acceptance rate (Discovery Communications – Summer 2014).
Yet, as a freshman at Dodge, I didn’t have any idea how to apply to these countless internships. In film school they don’t teach you what a cover letter should say, or how creative your resume can be, or when the ever important summer applications are due (February 28th!). Their job is to teach you how to be great directors, producers, and writers.
When I didn’t get an internship the summer before my Sophomore year, I worried I would never make it in the entertainment industry. I lamented about what I was doing wrong, and I know I’m not alone. I’ve seen tons of my friends and classmates apply year after year for the major 7 studio internships and never make it past the competitive first round with their rambling cover letters, word template resumes, and lack of any professional experience. They didn’t know which internships to apply to that took first time interns. When I was in their position, I honestly didn’t know either.
That’s why, a little over a year ago, I created The Hollywood Intern Diaries. Designed to be the first website to offer career advice specifically for entertainment interns, the site now has over 110 articles including application lists, how-to guides, and even a resume shop. I haven’t done it alone either.
THID is constantly evolving with Dodge Students as guest columnists sharing their advice. Tansu Philip, Ryan Himel, Renz Lorenzo, and Daniel Dabach have all written articles. The site receives thousands and thousands of views a month and has been well received by HR Managers and Career Development Centers across the country. We even got an exclusive interview with the lead recruiter at OWN!
If you have ever felt overwhelmed, confused, or slightly terrified by the process of Summer Internship Applications, you are not alone. Visit our website for all the advice you could EVER need to find an internship or even a job in the Entertainment Industries (TV, Film, Music, Advertising, Fashion, and Radio).
Summer Applications for the major studios are due soon on February 28th. You can find the complete application list here.
Never had an internship before? Don’t despair! Here is a list of companies with a proven track record of hiring first time Interns (and Chapman kids!).
May the Odds Ever Be In Your Favor (sorry, Lionsgate Intern),
NOTE FROM EDITOR: In addition to The Hollywood Diaries, Dodge College also keeps a listing of internships on the Current Student Site, which you can check out here. You can also check out the Career Development Center for more internships and career advice from Chapman University.