Need Something To Do This Summer?
May 18, 2015
So finals week is here, and the summer is almost upon us. After another successful semester of getting your learning on, you’re looking forward to three whole months of relaxing.
Or are you? Are you like me, one of those people who can’t sit still for more than five minutes, and need something to do? Does the idea of three months of nothing bore you to tears?
Well, have no fear! I’m here with a list of things you can do this summer in order to keep you on your toes and your creative juices flowing!
1. Takes a summer class! – Yes, I know, this is the obvious choice, but there are TONS of interesting classes that are being offered this summer. Like horror films? Check out Roy Finch’s “Simply Horrorific: What Makes Films Scary?” Or perhaps comedy is more your style? Then Anne Beatts’ “Sketch Comedy Writing” may be more up your alley. Heck, if you’re a Disney fanatic, then Dawn Fratini’s “Disney: From Animation to Empire” is a great look at the company. Check out our course catalog for more choices, and read more about some of the classes being offered here.
2. Intern! – There’s nothing quite like getting a jump start on working in the business you want to be in. Instead of lounging around all summer, try getting an internship in your field of study. If you need some help getting one, check out The Hollywood Intern Diaries, run by a Doge student, which is a great resource for finding one that is perfect for you.
3. Travel! – That’s right, you can see the world…and maybe even earn some credits for it! You can always travel on your own, but Dodge also offers a few summer travel courses as well. You can see the sights and sounds of France, Japan, Taipei, and more.
4. Make A Movie! – Who says you need a class in order to continue your filmmaking journey? Hone your skills, and get a summer project going. The summer is the perfect time to gather your best crew and venture out on your own, making that movie that has been kicking around in your head for years a reality.
5. Read! – In order to become a better writer, it’s recommended that you read, read, read. When kicking back on the beach, be sure to bring a book (or three) along. No better time to catch up on all those books you wanted to read during the year than summertime!
6. Binge Watch! – Summer was basically invented for Netflix, wasn’t it? When you’re working hard all year, it’s hard to keep up with your favorite shows, isn’t it? Good thing Netflix has you covered! Take a seat, lock your doors, and immerse yourself in another world for the next 24 hours as you finally blow through all of Daredevil or Supernatural!
Of course, these are just SOME of the things you can be doing this summer. What do YOU plan on doing this summer? Feel free to leave your own suggestions in the comments below!