Fall Film Festival Kudos
October 16, 2017
Tom Teller’s ICARUS will be playing the 2nd Annual Dead in Decatur Film Festival from October 13th-15th (http://deadindecatur.com/), 17th Annual Trieste Science+Fiction Festival in Italy from October 31st-November 5th (http://www.sciencefictionfestival.org/), the 5th Annual Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival in New York from November 3rd-12th (http://buffalodreamsfilmfest.com/), the 14th Annual Les Utopiales in France from November 1st-6th (https://www.utopiales.org/), the 13th Annual Early Bird International Student Film Festival in Bulgaria from November 1st-5th (http://www.earlybirdfest.org/home/page.html), the 37th Annual VGIK International Student Film Festival in Russia from November 13th-17th (http://vgikfestival.com/), 14th Annual Manchester International Short Film & Animation Festival from in England November 20th-26th (http://www.kinofilm.org.uk/), and the 9th Annual San Jose International Short Film Festival from December 7th-10th (http://www.sjsff.com/).
Aharonit Elior’s SPARK will be playing the 3rd Annual TAF Thessaloniki Animation Festival in Greece from October 19th-22nd (http://www.tafestival.gr/), the 22nd Annual LesGaiCineMad, Madrid International LGBTI Film Festival in Spain from October 26th-November 12th (http://lesgaicinemad.com/), the 18th Annual Mezipatra Queer Film Festival in the Czech Republic (http://www.mezipatra.cz/en/), and the 9th Annual San Jose International Short Film Festival from December 7th-10th (http://www.sjsff.com/).
Jackson Smith’s THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER will be playing the 25th Annual CamerImage International Film Festival in Poland from November 11th-18th (www.camerimage.pl/en/) and the 25th Annual KINEKO International Children’s Film Festival in Japan from November 2nd-6th (http://www.kinder.co.jp/en/).
Rachel Beltran and Nicole Myers’ GOOD BOY will be playing the 15th Annual Multivision Film Festival in Russia from October 28th-November 20th (http://www.multivision.ru/).
Amanda Renee Knox’s NIGHT CALL had its World Premiere at the Oscar-Qualifying 25th Annual Hamptons International Film Festival (http://filmguide.hamptonsfilmfest.org/films/night-call/) and will have its European Premiere at the 15th Annual Shnit Worldwide International Shortfilmfestival on opening night in Switzerland from October 18th-29th (http://www.shnit.org/). It will also play in competition on a West Coast Premiere at the 9th Annual Carmel International Film Festival from October 18th-22nd (http://carmelfilmfest.com/).
Brenna Malloy’s ROCKET has won the Best Afterglow Award at the 4th Annual Grenada Afterglow Film Festival which ran October 6th-7th (http://www.grenadaafterglow.com/), and been officially selected for the 2nd Annual Coronado Island Film Festival from November 9th-12th (http://coronadoislandfilmfest.com/).
Kendall Goldberg’s GLORIA TALKS FUNNY will be playing the 12th Annual Orlando Film Festival from October 19th-26th (http://orlandofilmfest.com/), Oscar-Qualifying 24th Annual Austin Film Festival from October 26th-November 2nd (http://www.austinfilmfestival.com/), 10th Annual Citizen Jane Film Festival from October 26th-29th (http://citizenjanefilmfestival.org/) and the 9th Annual San Jose International Short Film Festival from December 7th-10th (http://www.sjsff.com/). Her film SWIPE RIGHT was awarded the Best Short Comedy and Best Female Filmmaker of a Short Film awards at the 5th Annual Rahway International Film Festival (https://www.rahwayfilmfest.com/2017-festival).
Daniel Drummond’s A FOREMAN will world premiere at the 62nd Annual Seminci – Valladolid International Film Festival in Spain from October 21st-28th (http://seminci.es/seminci-programa-65-cortos-en-sus-diferentes-secciones/).
Taylor Reynolds’ AKI will play the Oscar-Qualifying 26th Annual St. Louis International Film Festival from October 30th-November 12th (http://www.cinemastlouis.org/about-festival).
Grant Moore’s PICKLE will play the 12th Annual Orlando Film Festival from October 19th-26th (http://orlandofilmfest.com/), the 11th Annual Lone Star Film Festival from November 8th-12th (http://www.lonestarfilmfestival.com/), the 30th Annual Virginia Film Festival from November 9th-12th (http://www.virginiafilmfestival.org/), the 9th Annual Carmel International Film Festival from October 18th-22nd (http://carmelfilmfest.com/), and the 9th Annual San Jose International Short Film Festival from December 7th-10th (http://www.sjsff.com/). His film was also a Finalist for Narrative at the 60th Annual CINE Golden Eagle Awards for Student & Youth Media (https://cine.org/awards/#75307).
Anja Paul’s LAST NIGHT IN TOWN is playing the 6th Annual San Pedro International Film Festival from October 5th-15th (http://spiffest.org/) and the 30th Annual Virginia Film Festival from November 9th-12th (http://www.virginiafilmfestival.org/).
Nancy Liu’s ANGELTOWN has won Best Short Drama at the 5th Annual Rahway International Film Festival (https://www.rahwayfilmfest.com/2017-festival) and the Special Jury Award Filmmaker to Watch at the 6th Annual Crested Butte Film Festival (http://cbfilmfest.org/). It will also be playing the 11th Annual Korean American Film Festival NY (KAFFNY) from October 12th-14th (http://www.kaffny.org/) and the 12th Annual Orlando Film Festival from October 19th-26th (http://orlandofilmfest.com/).
Julia Elihu’s YASAMIN will make its World Premiere at the 2nd Annual Coronado Island Film Festival from November 9th-12th (http://coronadoislandfilmfest.com/).
Christian Flashman’s A DANCE OF LUST & CALCULUS will have its World Premiere at the BAFTA-Qualifying 5th Annual Aesthetica Short Film Festival in England from November 8th-12th (http://www.asff.co.uk/) and will have its US Premiere at the 9th Annual San Jose International Short Film Festival from December 7th-10th (http://www.sjsff.com/).
Toto Guerra’s TWO FISH will be making its World Premiere at the 29th Annual NewFest, New York’s LGBT Film Festival from October 19th-24th (http://newfest.org/), where Amanda Larsh’s CORPSMAN will also be playing as her East Coast premiere.
Phillip Vernon’s BROAD STROKES will be playing at the 12th Annual Orlando Film Festival from October 19th-26th (http://orlandofilmfest.com/), Oscar-Qualifying 24th Annual Austin Film Festival from October 26th-November 2nd (http://www.austinfilmfestival.com/), and the 11th Annual Lone Star Film Festival from November 8th-12th (http://www.lonestarfilmfestival.com/).