Chapman’s NSAC Team Headed to Finals
May 18, 2022
Congratulations to Chapman University’s own National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team, which is headed to Nashville, Tennessee this summer to compete at the final stage of the competition!
The National Student Advertising Competition is the country’s premier college advertising competition that provides more than 2,000 college students the real-world experience of creating a strategic advertising, marketing, and media campaign for a corporate client.
Students from over 100 schools across America compete annually in this prestigious competition, beginning with a district level competition divided into 15 regions. The winning teams from the district then advance on to semi-finals, where NSAC teams compete for one of eight spots at the finals.
The final stage of this prestigious competition will be held in June at the AAF’s Admerica Conference, where the team’s presenters pitch their campaign in front of several judges, including those from this year’s brand sponsor, Meta Quest 2.
In preparation of the competition, the 32 students who make up Chapman’s NSAC team have been developing their campaign since early this fall, mirroring the way an advertising agency operates.
“Being on NSAC is an unparalleled experience that provides the tools for students to develop a comprehensive advertising campaign,” said Kathy Thibault, Associate Professor and advisor of Chapman’s NSAC team.
For students pursuing a career in advertising post graduation, this experience has proved to be invaluable.
“This is a real assignment with real outlines from a client. If any agency were given this request for presentation, they’re functioning at that same capacity. It really does translate into any sort of work experience capacity when you go out into the real world,” said Thibault.
And it’s safe to say that Chapman students have been making a name for themselves in the advertising world.
“Students who have been on NSAC go to work at top advertising agencies and entertainment media companies. They’re getting incredible jobs,” said Thibault.
Wishing the best of luck to the team at finals this summer!