From the page to the screen and everything in-between, Prime Time Production is more than just an interterm class; it’s an opportunity for students to get an immersive, hands-on experience working on full length television pilots.

Each year, two original pilot scripts are chosen and paired with student producers to help bring the stories to life. Cast and crews upwards to 100 students a pilot team up and collaborate to create an unforgettable half hour of pure television magic.

Join us as we celebrate the premiere of the 2017 pilots this Saturday, May 13th at 4:00 PM in the Folino Theater.

Washed Up is a comedy following former child star Andy McArthur after he is arrested and forced to serve community service at a local theater. Creator and Executive Producer Meredith Spalding ’17 drew from her high school theater experience when writing this pilot – and it really paid off. She is proud to have watched her story grow from development all the way through post production.

“I am very happy with the final result of Washed Up, but even more proud of the way our cast and crew came together and put their hearts and a lot of hard work into this project.” -Meredith Spalding. 

Key members of the Washed Up team on set. From Left to Right: Writer Meredith Spalding and Producer Karoline Ribak.

Pictured: Director Grant Moore (center) instructing a crowd of 60+ extras.

Veil, created by Kaelyn Witherow ’17, is a truly out-of-this-world sci-fi thriller about a young woman in a dystopian future investigating the mysterious and supernatural disappearance of her twin sister. World building was an integral part of this ambitious tale and a strong creative team helped turn Kaelyn’s vision a reality.

“It was so surreal to see everyone come together to make this crazy world possible. We truly couldn’t have achieved such a lovely pilot without all the hard work from the cast and crew. I could not be happier or more proud!” –Kaelyn Witherow

Villa Park Orchard transformed into the world of ‘Veil’

The Key Crew of Veil gathered around the monitor before a take.

The faculty members facilitating the program – James Gardner, Jim Deck, and Bill Rosenthal – manifest their industry experience in the Interterm Pilots by creating a structure that accurately simulates real-life television production. Both pilot teams worked with great stamina and professionalism that propelled them through production.

From Left to Right: Faculty Members Bill Rosenthal and James Deck on set for Veil  

Here’s what the producers have to say about their experiences:

“The pilots program has been one of the most intensive processes I’ve been involved with at Dodge. I really resonated with early drafts of ‘Washed Up’ back in June, and seeing the pilot organically develop its own voice has been largely gratifying.” –Karoline Ribak ’19 (Producer, ‘Washed Up’)

“Producing ‘Veil’ has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences I’ve had. Alongside the most talented and hardworking crew I’ve ever worked with, we built an entire world from the ground up and established working relationships and friendships that will hopefully continue long after this pilot is complete” –Sarah de Leon ’18 (Producer, ‘Veil’)