First Cut, the short film event hosted by Dodge College for the Director’s Guild of America, is almost upon us!  The date for the screening in Los Angeles is Wednesday, October 6th, 6:30 PM, at The Director’s Guild of America in LA.  And, I’m pleased to announce, the lineup has been finalized!

Here are the student films screening:

Haymaker [Dir. Daniel D’Alimonte]

Cannonball [Dir. Mark Powell]

The Real Deal [Dir. Taylor Sella]

Hop To It [Dirs. Matt Pollard and Michael Cusic]

Jeremy [Dir. Brian Faye]
Congratulations to all the filmmakers, cast and crew of these films – this year’s lineup of films is very strong, and we’re excited to to present the cream of the crop to the DGA!  It’s a great opportunity for students to get their names out in the industry, as we hold this major event in both LA and New York, later in the year (tentatively March 26th), presenting to some of the biggest and most powerful names in the business.  Even if your film wasn’t selected, the event is a great networking opportunity for all, so get your business cards ready, RSVP ASAP (required), and get ready for a night of fun, new friends, and great films!

Find all the event details, times, parking, and RSVP here, and join the conversation about this exciting event by using #FirstCut2010 in your tweets.