What was your major and when did you graduate?

TV Production/Broadcast Journalism – 2007


Where do you work now?

I work at Warner Bros. Television in Current Programming


What do you like most about your job?

I love the fast pace the world of TV offers.  The problems and solutions are fresh and new each day and there’s never a dull moment. 


What is your ultimate career goal?

I’d love to continue to work at Warner Bros. and work my way up the studio management ladder.


What classes and learning experiences at Chapman were the most valuable in building toward your current job?

I turn to what I learned from the Business of Television on a daily basis – from the structure of corporate TV to what I learned about ratings.  Producing the Talk Show taught me the meaning of hard work and the importance of teamwork.  Surrounding yourself with good people is a major part of being successful.


What kind of things are you learning on the job that you couldn’t learn in school?

I’ve definitely learned more of “the players” being on the job than I knew in school.  In school you only focus on the big wigs, but there are many MANY people who make the industry go ‘round.  I’d also say you learn new people skills at work that you can’t learn in an academic setting.  Yes, you are working with your classmates on projects and grades are on the line.  Suddenly when money is on the line, stakes are much higher and the pressure is greater. 


Would you recommend the Television program at Chapman to others who want to work in the field?

I would absolutely recommend Chapman to others who want to work in the industry.  The equipment and classes make it a perfect place to learn the skills that you need to succeed in this crazy business.