Professor Sally Rubin has just written to let us know that last year’s smash success from the documentary Project W program, “We Are The Land,” is being screened this weekend, in collaboration with
Human Rights Watch
.  There is an entry fee for the screening and reception, but Chapman students can get in free!

About the screening:

Sunday, January 26, 2014
3:00 pm | Pre-reception and Screening
of Chapman Student Documentary Short “We Are The Land” 
4:00 pm | Screening of “Bidder 70”, followed by panel discussion
6:15 pm | Reception with wine and light hors d’oeuvres

All guests are invited to join us for a special pre-reception and screening of
 ”We Are The Land”, a student documentary short, in the upstairs of the theater, with special guest Sally Rubin, Professor of Documentary Film at Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media arts, and two of the filmmakers.

WE ARE THE LAND screenshot
The film recently won the prestigious ASC Student Award in Cinematography, and will broadcast shortly on PBS SoCal. Amidst national controversy surrounding the potential dangers of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” environmental activist Pauline Matt stands alone to protect her native homeland – the Blackfeet Reservation of northern Montana. 
This screening is presented by
The Neda Nobari Foundation

About Human Rights Watch:

Through regularly-scheduled screenings and discussions, the Human Rights Watch Film Club in Los Angeles creates a forum to advance awareness of human rights issues and empower audiences with the knowledge that personal commitment can make a difference.

For 35 years, Human Rights Watch has been at the forefront of the international human rights movement, investigating human rights abuses and exposing the truth in order to bring about deep-rooted change. Throughout the globe we work in tandem with local activists who often put their lives at risk to protect the rights and dignity of others.

Again, Chapman students can enter for free with a special discount code. 
To view the code, students may login to the current students site and check the announcements section for details