You don’t just want to learn theory and technical tools at film school; you want to learn and interact with the professionals who have shaped the industry. For that, you need to enroll in one of the three courses that Professor Harry Ufland will be teaching this coming fall.

Who is Professor Ufland?

Professor Ufland is a distinguished producer. He has been an extremely successful talent agent and manager. Former clients include talent such as Martin Scorsese, Robert DeNiro, Jodie Foster, Harvey Keitel, Ben Gazarra, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Adrian Lyne, Charles Grodin, Cybill Shepherd, Peter Bogdonavich, Marcello Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, and many others. He has packaged films such as Blade Runner and Deer Hunter and produced films such as Crazy/Beautiful, One True Thing, Not Without My Daughter, Snow Falling on Cedars and The Last Temptation of Christ.

About the Courses

Seminar Internship (FTV 492-01/692-01)

Mondays: 4:00PM – 6:45PM; Seminar Internship focuses on career counseling, resume workshops, interview training, industry shadowing, and networking. Through this course, students will gain a better understanding of how to acquire internships and jobs, how to reach out to potential mentors, and of the ever changing landscape of show business. The agency, studio, network, and management HR executives will be guests at our class and we will go to their companies to participate in seminars as well.

Success in Media (FTV 332-01/632-01)

Thursdays: 7:00PM – 9:45PM; Success in Media brings together the expertise and media relationships gathered from the guests and the Professor from decades of professional experience in the industry. Professor Ufland has taught at Dodge for five semesters to enormous success. During that time, students have met many of the most successful entrepreneurs in history from the world of media and entertainment as well as outside that world to discuss their thoughts on success and in specific, what they did to achieve it.

Movies on Movies (FTV 329-04/529-04)

Tuesdays: 4:00PM – 6:45PM; Movies on Movies focuses on the movie business by showing some of the best movies ever made that deal with the movie business. Students are encouraged to engage in dialogue about the films.

Alumni Quotes

Some students who have taken courses with Professor Ufland share their experiences and reflections below.

“I cannot stress enough how important it is to take full advantage of the panels and guests that are brought in – network as much as you can! That can be the difference between having a job after college or not. Harry emphasizes the importance of working at an agency after graduation, and although I was at first hesitant about it, it has been an incredibly educational look into all aspects of the entertainment industry.” -Candice Currie, BA/Screenwriting ’14, Paradigm Talent Agency

“When asked a strong or interesting question, the guests simply cannot wait to share their experiences and insight. I could really feel the excitement and enthusiasm and the eagerness to communicate and interact in the crowded classroom. We were constantly driven to keep up with the news and stay in the know, and the reward is wonderful – when we asked our questions and saw the genuinely impressed look on the guests’ faces, “success” became a more tangible word.” -Yiran Ma, BA/Screenwriting ‘15

“No other course offered by Chapman was more beneficial to my personal growth, than a class called Exercising your Creativity. Thanks to Professor Ufland and the rest of my classmates, who reminded me every week to be competitive and to chase my dreams, I work as the Current Programing intern for the Warner Brothers Telepictures department in Hollywood. Creativity is, absolutely, the best class I’ve taken in my college career thus far.” -Avery Rouda, BA/Screenwriting ’15

“Harry cares more about his students than any other professor I’ve encountered. If you pour your heart into his classes, there’s no end to what you get in return. He’ll teach you how to get your foot in the door — and keep it there.” -Rae Roberts, BFA/Creative Writing ‘14, MGM

“Harry’s classes illuminated the “real world” of Hollywood that I’m now living and working in, by examining great classics, hearing directly from industry heads of all departments and disciplines, and by Harry himself giving passionate, one on one attention and career advice to each of his students, setting us up for career starting opportunities.” -Sarah Thacker, MFA/Directing ‘13

“While my foot was in the door, Harry basically helped to kick it open. Through his class and as his TA, I was able to meet some of the industry’s most important players and made connections that have helped me get to where I am now.” -Winsor Yuan, MFA ‘12, United Talent Agency

“One thing I’ve learned from Harrys’ class is that the “brick walls” everyone talks about are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.” -Kristen Olson, BFA/Creative Writing ‘14

“If you do not take a class with Harry Ufland, you are studying the wrong business. At Dodge, you will certainly be taught by professors of extraordinary pedigree, but Harry is a true Hollywood legend. Look him up, and read about the people that Harry has represented. If your first thought isn’t to learn from him, and to meet the top echelon guests that he invites to Dodge, then I simply don’t know what you are doing in film school. Harry will encourage you to explore parts of Hollywood that you never knew existed. He will reveal what agencies are and how they work, and can suggest an ideal career path tailored specifically to you. This is a man with the inside scoop. He knows everybody in town, and is hardly shy to make calls on behalf of students who have proven themselves. Harry is my favorite part of Dodge, and was easily the most significant part of my education. He is my Sensei, and if you give him your absolute best, there is not a thing he won’t do for you. You’re going to be terrified the first time you meet him, but that’s okay. It’s part of the fun.” -Brandon Padveen

“The classes that Harry Ufland teaches are unlike anything else offered at Dodge College.  While most classes teach you about one specific aspect of film, Professor Ufland’s classes teach you about anything and everything, from how to get your foot in the door to film history to what you should be doing while a student at Dodge to jumpstart a successful career in the industry. The guests he brings in are second to none, from studio chiefs to the heads of the major agencies to A-list writers, directors, and producers.  He is warm, kind, and gracious, but not afraid to call you out when he feels you’re not living up to your potential, which is what any good professor should do.  He pushes you not only to become a better student, but also a better, more well-rounded human being.  He may ask for a lot, but for what you put in, you get back tenfold.” Max Keller, MFA ‘13, DMR Project Coordinator, IMAX