EDITOR’S NOTE: We love hearing from our students, especially when it comes to having a positive attitude toward your school. Today, we welcome Max Mandel (BA/Communications ’16) who shares some tips for students on how to make the most out of their college experience!

Hey, you! Yeah, you, with the face, and the nose!

I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing a great job. Seriously, take a second to just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think about the last 6 months. You had a rocking summer, been spending plenty of time having a blast at Chapman, and, let’s be honest, maybe a devoting less time than you should to your studies.

Some of you just got here, and I hope that you’re finding a wonderful start to your Chapman experience. Others are returning to Chapman to spend another wonderful year in Orange. And some of you are spending your last year in “Chaptown”, getting ready to make a name for yourselves in the “real world”.

As for myself, I’m a sophomore who just transferred into Dodge College’s News and Documentary program, and I run my own show on ChapmanRadio! (Fridays at noon, check it out).

Whether you’re aware of it or not Chapman is an absolutely incredible school, so pat yourself on the back for getting in and staying afloat in a challenging sea of classwork. Especially with Dodge College’s ranking of being the 4th best college in the nation for a film degree, people are using Chapman as a trampoline to reach for the stars and create realistic plans to achieve their life goals…provided that they can get up in time for their classes!

No matter your class standing, there are always ways to make more out of the smorgasbord of opportunities and activities that Chapman offers. The way I like to think about it is that the events around campus only happen because we all pay to attend this school. And since we’re already here, not going to them would just be a waste of our hard earned cash (and nobody likes wasting that)!  If you’re really strapped for cash (and, let’s face it, a lot of us are broke), there’s almost always an on-campus event with free food each day. Think about joining a club! Even though we’re almost done with the semester, clubs are always happy to find new members who are passionate about similar things. Check out the happenings around campus.

Try to do new things. Make a college bucket list. See the beach. Pet a sheep. Try out rock climbing (have you been to our rock wall? It’s AMAZING). Do anything instead of going on Netflix. As an old friend once told me, “If your comfort zone isn’t growing, it’s shrinking.”

So go out on a limb and talk to the stranger next to you in line at Einstein’s, or that one person in your class that you’ve sat next to, but don’t know anything about. We’re all going to great places and you never know who’s going to be the next American success story…it might even be you!

As for me…my name is Max Mandel, but most of you know me as “The Guy with the Smile Sign.”

If you see me around, feel free to say “hi” or give me a handshake, high-five, or hug (everyone loves hugs).

Have an incredible day!