12 search results for

"show of shows"

Memories of Chapman – A Father/Daughter Perspective

December 8, 2016 by Dodge College Staff | Beyond Dodge

Charlie Moe (BA/Comm ’82, MA/HR ‘85) was the very first student that brand new professor Bob Bassett met when he came to campus in 1981. Charlie graduated with his B.A. in Communications, Mass Media and Public Relations, the very next year. Thirty-four years later, his daughter Kayla Moe (’16) graduated from Dodge College with a

Alumni Spotlight – Kelly Galuska

November 21, 2016 by | Alumni

Every so often, we’ll be spotlighting alumni and what they are up to these days. These Q&A sessions will give you a bit of insight into where the world has taken them since graduation. This week, the spotlight is on Kelly Galuska (BA/Screenwriting ’06). DODGE: Share your career path with us – how did you

Bosch’s Creator Michael Connelly Speaks on his Process

November 17, 2016 by | Academics

Crime doesn’t pay…but when it does, it is usually in the form of a fantastic novel. Professor Bill Rosenthal welcomed writer Michael Connelly to his New Era of Television class this past week, and had him speak to the students about his writing process, and how he turned a successful series of books into a

New course ‘Journalism in the 21st Century’ explores the changing landscape of news

October 24, 2016 by | Academics

Vines, memes, tweets, 2 hours of a presidential debate condensed to 90 seconds. The way viewers consume news is consistently challenging traditional journalism methods, including broadcast journalism. To better prepare students for the unknown, Professor Pete Weitzner created the course Journalism in the 21st century, calling on his connections amassed over thirty years in the

On Live TV, Anything Goes…Especially on Conan

September 15, 2016 by | Academics

“You have to be prepared for anything…literally, anything.” Those were some practical words of advice imparted to students from Allan Kartun, former director of Conan’s late-night shows. Professor Steven Hirsen recently had Kartun come into his Advanced Multi-Camera TV Production class to give the students some advice and talk about his career working with the

Kc Wayland – King of the Audio Dramas

September 13, 2016 by | Alumni

Kc Wayland is the undisputed king of audio dramas. People today might scratch their head and wonder just what an audio drama is. Well, if you think of the old serials that played on the radio in the 1930s and 40s, like The Shadow and Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar , you’d be on the

Alumni Spotlight – Mariana Manela Flynn

August 30, 2016 by | Alumni

Every so often, we’ll be spotlighting alumni and what they are up to these days. These Q&A sessions will give you a bit of insight into where the world has taken them since graduation. This week, the spotlight is on Mariana Manela Flynn (BFA/PRG ’02). DODGE: Share your career path with us –

Alumni Spotlight – Julia Prescott

August 16, 2016 by | Alumni

Every so often, we’ll be spotlighting alumni and what they are up to these days. These Q&A sessions will give you a bit of insight into where the world has taken them since graduation. This week, the spotlight is on Julia Prescott (BA/Film Studies). DODGE: Share your career path with us – how did you

Alumni Spotlight – Daniel Pugh

July 26, 2016 by | Alumni

Every so often, we’ll be spotlighting alumni and what they are up to these days. These Q&A sessions will give you a bit of insight into where the world has taken them since graduation. This week, the spotlight is on Daniel Pugh (BFA/Film Production ’10). DODGE: What was the biggest adjustment you faced after graduation

Summer Film Academy Visits the Academy Archives on Insightful Field Trip

July 19, 2016 by | Beyond Dodge

Every summer, Dodge College holds two sessions of the Summer Film Academy, a two-week comprehensive, collaborative, and creative film program for high school students. For those two weeks, the students are immersed in the world of film through class discussions, film screenings, guest speakers, field trips, and filmmaking in small groups. Basically, they live, breathe,

Senior Yuri Scharan is the Man

May 5, 2016 by | Student Spotlight

Senior Yuri Scharan (BFA/Television & Broadcast Journalism’16) is no stranger to high-stress situations. He’s worked with top talent at multiple award shows including the American Music Awards, the American Idol series finale, and the Kids Choice Awards.  So it isn’t much of a surprise that he leapt at the opportunity to represent Dodge College as

Alumni Spotlight – Ora Yashar

April 27, 2016 by | Alumni

Every so often, we’ll be spotlighting alumni and what they are up to these days. These Q&A sessions will give you a bit of insight into where the world has taken them since graduation. This week, the spotlight is on Ora Yashar (MFA/Film Production ’09). DODGE: Share your career path with us – how did
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