10 posts tagged



Digital Arts Thesis Screening Gallery

June 3, 2015 by | Events

Though it’s been a few weeks since graduation, we’re still sorting through all the things that have happened at the end of the year. A lot has been going on! For example, the Digital Arts Thesis Screenings took place just before graduation weekend, and Bill Kroyer put on quite the show. I mean, come

Dodge College Film “Shoot The Moon” at Stony Brook Film Fest

August 14, 2012 by | Kudos!

More film festival successes for Alexandar Gaeta’s undergraduate thesis film, Shoot The Moon, recently admitted to the prestigious Stony Brook Film Festival in New York.  Our own Film Coordinator Derek Horne, mastermind behind much of Chapman’s successful film festival campaign, was invited by the film’s creatives to attend the event. [-JP]

Alumnus Thesis Film “Mamitas” Hits Theaters as Feature

April 26, 2012 by | Kudos!

Alumnus Nicholas Ozeki (’08) is getting some fantastic mileage from the short thesis film he produced during his final year at Dodge College, “Mamitas,” and his success is turning heads throughout the industry. The film is a coming of age story, set in East Los Angeles, revolving around a pair of friends and their misadventures

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