Thompson Policy Institute’s DisAbility Summit Rescheduled in Virtual Format
July 21, 2020
For the first time, the Thompson Policy Institute on Disability’s DisAbility Summit will be available for live streaming online. Originally scheduled for March 2020 and postponed due to COVID-19 stay at home orders, TPI’s 2020 DisAbility Summit will be held in an entirely virtual format on October 9, 2020 from 9:00 to 11:00 am.
The theme of this year’s summit is “Inclusion and Transition: Each Enhancing the Other,” focusing on the state of inclusive education and initiatives that support youth as they transition into adulthood.
This year’s keynote speaker, Joe Xavier, is the Director of the California Department of Rehabilitation. In addition to years participating in advocacy and community organizations, Joe has more than 34 years of experience in business and public administration. As an immigrant, a blind consumer, and a beneficiary of the Department of Rehabilitation’s services, he understands the challenges and opportunities available to individuals with disabilities. His presentation “If Not You, Who? If Not Now, When?” will give special attention to COVID-19 as it pertains to transition.
Dr. Richard Rosenberg and Linda O’Neal will also discuss California transition initiatives. Their presentation, titled “Real World Transition Programming Leading to Competitive Integrated Employment,” will cover the benefits of early intervention in transition services, active collaborations and partnerships working to achieve positive outcomes for students, and examples of successful work-based learning programs. The presenters will also give an overview of the transition resources available from TPI.
The summit will include a live question and answer period with the experts following the presentations.
Thanks to the generous support of the Thompson Family Foundation, this event is open to the general public at no cost.
Register today for the 2020 Virtual DisAbility Summit. Event link will be provided upon registration.