TPI’s Associate Director Joins Chapman University’s Million Dollar Club
December 16, 2020
Dr. Audri Sandoval Gomez, Associate Director of the Thompson Policy Institute on Disability, was honored as a member of Chapman University’s prestigious Million Dollar Club for securing more than $1 million in funding from outside sponsors. The honor was announced at Chapman’s Annual State of Research and Creative Activity, which highlights the work of Chapman faculty and students as well as the crucial support provided by sponsors.
Dr. Gomez’s research focuses on disability studies, and her work with TPI promotes inclusive education and resources for individuals with disabilities. TPI’s most recent initiatives include launching the Transition CA website, which provides resources to help improve transition outcomes (such as employment and housing) for people with disabilities, and the development of a new Teacher Preparation Transformation Center, the California Educator Preparation Innovation Center (CalEPIC).
Dr. Gomez is the fourth Attallah College researcher to join the Million Dollar Club. Previous Attallah researchers include Dr. Roxanne Greitz Miller, Attallah College Interim Dean, Chapman Vice Provost for Graduate Education, and Donna Ford Attallah Endowed Professor in Teacher Education; Dr. Don Cardinal, Professor Emeritus of Education and TPI’s Founding Director Emeritus; and Dr. Anaida Colon Muniz, Professor Emerita of Education.
The presentation of Dr. Gomez’s award, along with her thank you speech, can be viewed at the 18-minute mark of Chapman’s State of Research and Creative Activity Event.
Thompson Policy Institute on Disability
Founded in 2015, Chapman University’s Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI) strives to impact policy by reducing barriers that limit access to learning, living, and working for individuals with disabilities. TPI efforts involve a combination of original research, training, and advocacy work in the areas of inclusive education and services.
Visit TPI’s website for more information about its research and ongoing initiatives.