Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is the first year of a two-year kindergarten experience in California. In addition to holding a Multiple Subject Credential, after August 1, 2025, all TK teachers must also meet one of the following requirements:

  1. Have completed at least 24 credits in early childhood education, child development, or both; or
  2. Have professional experience in a classroom setting with preschool-aged children that a local educational agency (LEA) deems comparable to 24 units; or
  3. Possess a Child Development Teacher Permit issued from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). 

Chapman recommends current students (undergraduate or graduate level) who wish to be TK-eligible complete the Early Childhood Education Transcript Review and submit it soonest to determine how many credits they have (or still need) toward being TK-eligible. 

Please ensure that all of the transcripts you are referencing in this form have been submitted to Chapman’s Admissions team. If Chapman candidates opt to enroll at another institution in addition to Chapman University (called concurrent enrollment) to obtain additional credits toward fulfilling the TK eligibility requirement, they must adhere to the concurrent enrollment rules in the Chapman University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Note, enrollments across institutions in excess of certain credits may impact financial aid and are critical to consider before registering at more than one institution of higher education. 

Courses at Chapman University that can be used to meet the 24 credit requirement include the following:

Course Number & Title Credits
LBST 240: Children’s Literature 3
TCHR 471/571: Introduction to Exceptional Learners 3
TCHR I 409/EDUC 500: Literacy and Learning: PK-3 4
TCHR 464/TCHR 501: English Language Development for Exceptional Learners 3
PSYC 310: The Psychology of Learning 3
PSYC 323: Child Development 3
PSYC 330: Child Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC 446: Children and Trauma 3
SOC 393: Child Abuse 3
MUS 478: Early Childhood Music 3

Teacher Education candidates may also use courses from other institutions, including community colleges, to fulfill the 24-credit requirement. For those looking for additional coursework at community colleges within close proximity to Chapman, please visit the link to view a table of early childhood courses and contact persons for these programs.

Please direct all questions about this process to our Credential Analyst at