Due to recent circumstances, you may be asking yourself, “All my classes are online. What do I do now?” Sitting behind a screen for hours on end may be exhausting, so it is important to remember these steps in order to be successful academically and prioritize your mental health.

Manage Your Time

As an online student, make sure you are using effective time-management skills to independently manage the workload of each of your classes. It’s essential to check your syllabus and create a long-term plan for major assignments.

A daily to-do list is a start to developing good habits and making steps in the right direction.

Minimize Distractions

Remember to put yourself in a good study environment when completing online courses. Try to find a place with minimum distractions that allows you to have some peace and quiet. Turn off your cell phone while completing your coursework, or put any electronics on airplane mode if you are using them for class to prevent a message or call from being a distraction. If you want to eliminate distractions like websites or apps, you can also download apps like Cold Turkey and Freedom.

Get Comfortable

Always find comfortable seating and good lighting. Light should be as bright as your computer screen to avoid eye strain. Try to create a regular study space for yourself. Consistency can help you stay organized as well.

Learn Your Style and Make a Plan

Creating note cards or writing on a piece of paper can help students retain more information, stay focused, and look at your computer screen less often.

Most importantly, figure out how you learn best. Once establishing where, how, and when, you can be successful in your learning. Plan your time accordingly and come prepared to class with any questions you might have.

Also, build connections with your fellow students and teachers. Remember to actively participate in online courses. You are not alone during this time. Your peers are a valuable source and will be helpful when preparing for exams and asking for feedback. Virtual study groups can be just as fun as in person ones!

With classes being online, it is important to keep using the tools provided by the Chapman community. It is also important to reach out if you need extra help. Use resources like Zoom, email, and your phone to communicate.

Find what works best for you! These are just a few helpful hints to help make your transition smoother.


For additional online learning resources, see Chapman’s Learning Remotely webpage, which includes information on equipment, free internet access, and video conferencing.