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Chapman University’s Attallah College of Educational Studies, in partnership with the CEO Leadership Alliance of Orange County (CLA-OC), invites Orange County public high school educators to submit innovative program ideas for enhancing and expanding Work-Based Learning (WBL) at their sites.

Programs proposed should focus on the following high-growth industry sectors:

  • Business and Finance
  • Health Science & Medical Technology
  • Information & Communications Technologies

CLA-OC logoThe focus of the 2nd ePrize is to encourage educators to work with industry on the design and implementation of scalable pilot(s) to greatly expand WBL opportunities that contribute to career trajectory pipelines for students beginning in high school and leading into community college. 


Chapman University will administer the 2nd Education Prize challenge. Up to three project ideas will be awarded from a $150,000 pool of funds. The teams will also earn the opportunity to work with one or more of the three participating businesses.

Education Prize (ePrize 2) Winners Announcement Webinar

Winning teams and proposals from Orange County public high school educators will be announced during the 2nd ePrize on Work-Based Learning webinar: 

May 20, 2020
3:30–4:30 pm

To RSVP for the ePrize 2 webinar, click here.

To learn more about the Orange County Excellent Public Schools (OCEPS) Initiative and ePrize awards, visit the ePrize 2 RFP Announcement, ePrize 2 RFP Guidelines, and ePrize webpage.

Click Here to View Webinar Recording