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NSSLHA Chapter Receives Gold Level for the Second Year

September 4, 2012 by | Student News

The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association ( NSSLHA ) Chapter Honors are awarded to NSSLHA chapters that demonstrates significant combination of: an awareness of student issues and concerns, outreach to the community, educational opportunities, and social and fund-raising activities promoting both the professions and national NSSLHA. Gold level recognition is awarded to chapters who meet

CES Student Receives AFCEA Scholarship

June 13, 2011 by | Student News

The CES is pleased to announce that Chapman University student Ashley Hurlock, Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Science (Biology) Emphasis Program, has been chosen as winner of a $5,000 AFCEA Educational Foundation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) Teaching Scholarship award for 2011.  This is the second consecutive year that students from Chapman’s secondary science/math teacher preparation program have

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