64 posts categorized in



Chapman Latino Staff and Faculty Forum

October 9, 2015 by | News

The Chapman Diversity Project is excited to support Maria Contreras, Associate Director of Admissions Systems and Operations, and Rueben Martinez, Presidential Fellow in the College of Educational Studies, in the organization of a Chapman Latino Staff and Faculty Forum. The Chapman Latino Staff and Faculty forum aims to provide support to Latino students, staff and

Changing the World, One Family at at Time

September 28, 2015 by | Uncategorized

“Un aplauso por favor,” says Patricia Huerta, the founder and director of Padres Unidos (translation: Parents United), an Orange County-based parent education and support program, as she leads the a discussion at the nearby Orange County Juvenile Hall. “Applause, please,” and the room full of parents breaks into thunderous applause.

Visual Research: The Artful Sciences, Sep. 21

September 18, 2015 by Quaylan Allen | Uncategorized

On Monday, September 21, 2015 internationally known Visual Sociologist, Dr. Eric Margolis will be visiting Chapman University to give a public keynote lecture on the state of visual research titled “Visual Research: The Artful Sciences”. His keynote will take place in Argyros Forum 209BC at 6:30pm and is open to the Chapman community. This

Apply to be a Mentor!

April 17, 2015 by | Uncategorized

One commitment that I am most proud of participating in this year is the Libreria Martinez de Chapman University Teen Mentoring Program. This semester I have committed 1.5 hours on Tuesdays to share my experience, offer practical knowledge and support a hand full of high school students from Santa Ana High School. I am so impressed by these young

Donna Ford Attallah Educator Development Academy 2015 Education Summit

April 8, 2015 by | Uncategorized

On March 22, 2015, Chapman University’s College of Educational Studies hosted its inaugural Education Summit: Rise Up for Children, Schools, Family, and Community . The first of many programs sponsored by the Donna Ford Attallah Educator Development Academy, the summit was an opportunity for educators, families, and neighborhood leaders to engage in conversations about education


April 7, 2015 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the Orange County Community Foundation is super-charging local giving by hosting Orange County’s first-ever countywide giving day on April 21-22 , 2015.  Secure, tax-deductible donations will be accepted on iheartoc.org during a 30 hour period.  Their goal is to raise $2 million for OC nonprofits! Chapman and the College

Can a Comic Book Change the World?

April 7, 2015 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

On the eve of Wondercon at the nearby Anaheim Convention Center, the Paulo Freire Democratic Project, in conjunction with the College of Educational Studies, Graduate Studies and Leatherby Libraries, hosted “The Salon,” an evening of conversation on the topic, “Comics as Social Change.” Doctoral student Chandra Jenkins opened the evening asking: What is a comic

Steady Climb to Excellence

April 6, 2015 by | Uncategorized

It is hard, but fun, being the new kid on the block! Chapman’s Ph.D. program in Education has only been ranked in the U.S. News & W orld Report’s Best Graduate Schools of Education for a short five years. Since reputation scores count significantly in determining one’s rank, “We knew we would start out at

Paulo Freire Democratic Project Welcomes Dr. Henry Giroux

March 30, 2015 by | Uncategorized

The Paulo Freire Democratic Project is pleased to announce a series of upcoming events honoring world renowned educator, Dr. Henry Giroux. Dr. Giroux is Professor of English and Cultural Studies and Global TV Network Chair in Communications at McMaster University, Canada. One of the pioneers of critical pedagogy, Dr. Giroux was regarded by the late

Ph.D. Research and Social Justice Symposium welcomes Michael Benitez Jr.

March 30, 2015 by Holly Pearson, PhD in Education Candidate | Uncategorized

On March 4, 2014, Chapman University’s College of Educational Studies hosted a Ph.D. Research and Social Justice Symposium that was open to the Chapman Community. The college invited Michael Benitez, Jr. to share his dissertation research along with a discussion that illustrated the importance of the role of conviction and diversity leadership in the 21st

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