2 posts tagged



Golden State Teacher Grant Updates Improved California Grant Opportunities for Teacher Candidates

December 17, 2024 by | News

The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) has announced new modifications to the Golden State Teacher Grant, an education grant created to help prospective teachers cover the costs of earning a California teaching credential. The grant supports soon-to-be teachers and pupil personnel services providers by providing a one-time grant of up to $10,000 to help pay

Attallah College Receives Full, Maximum Seven-Year Accreditation CTC Accreditation Affirms College Programs Meet High Standards

April 3, 2020 by | News

After a rigorous, multiyear review process, Chapman University’s Attallah College of Educational Studies has been awarded the full and maximum seven-year accreditation of its teaching, school counseling, and school psychology programs by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). To receive or reaffirm accredited status, institutions must demonstrate that they are in compliance with state

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