That anxiety you feel right now – it’s not your fault!

October 27, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Who wouldn’t feel it right now? It’s coming from all around us. Living with COVID-19; these terrifying, out-of-control wildfires; protesting the systematization of white supremacy and calling for justice for all people; and an erratic Presidential election – all call us to live with uncertainty in unprecedented ways. Some days it feels to me like


Ten Tips for Coping with “Election Anxiety”

October 26, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Hey Panthers, Are you feeling stressed over the upcoming election or anxiously awaiting official results? If so, you’re not alone. Nearly 70% of Americans report feeling apprehensive and nervous over the 2020 presidential election. That’s up from 52% in 2016! There’s now even a term for it — Election Stress Disorder (ESD). Why are so


The Buddy System

October 15, 2020 by | Uncategorized

I am a big believer in the buddy system. For me, the buddy system means that you have someone to help hold you accountable, to help support you and that you provide the same to them. I worked in retail for over a decade and found the buddy system was crucial in order to run


Alumni Spotlight

October 4, 2020 by | Uncategorized

It’s 5:00 AM and I wake up to a loud voice in Arabic signifying the call to prayer. I look out the window over the mosque and think of the Muslims waking up to pray and begin their day with worship. Although I am not a Muslim, it calls me to a sense of peace


Alumni Spotlight Reflection

September 21, 2020 by | Alumni

I never thought it was possible to work at a place where I felt calmer at the end of a shift than at the beginning.  Every time I enter the building, I bring all the stresses of student life –  academic performance, paying bills, finding internships, etc. But somewhere between gently polishing the chancel furnishings


Standing Together

September 17, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Dear friends, colleagues, students, staff, Chapman community, I hope this finds you well and safe. We are thinking of everyone in your many settings and unique ways of being engaged in teaching, learning, working, and going about your daily lives. We are mindful of those in the regions who are suffering fires and deadly smoke;


Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind

September 14, 2020 by | Mental Health & Wellness

Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind As a college student myself once, I know all too well how stressful, overwhelming, and anxiety-producing attending university can be—especially during these challenging times. Even as adults, we still require tools and strategies for managing stress and coping with uncertainty. If you can relate to any or more of the following right


Chapman Family Homecoming

September 8, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Join us! Below are some programs we would love to invite you to! Wednesday, October 7 at 5PM PST Disciples on Campus, made up of Disciples and UCC students, has hosted Wednesday night worship for the campus for decades. This homecoming we invite our DOC alumni to join us in this special service led by


Weekly Prayer Gathering in the Time of Covid

August 10, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Every Friday 10:30-45am PST Join Rev. Nancy Brink, Attallah Endowed Director of Church Relations at Chapman University, and members of the Chapman community as we lift our hearts together, engaging resources from the Bible as well as from contemporary writers. Links to Prayers Services: Friday, April 10 Friday, April 17 Friday, April 24 Friday, May

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