Improving Group Findings in the GCI Programs Jordan Odekirk, Kai Itokazu, Luke Driscoll, Cece Abrahamsson
May 11, 2021
Our goal is to create an efficient system for students to find groups in the Grand Challenges Initiative (GCI) program in the STEM department at Chapman University. GCI suffers from an enrollment problem. The problem arises in the transition from the First Year Focus Course (FFC) of GCI to the Grand Challenges Initiative seminars (SCI) classes. Our solution to this problem is to create an app that helps match together groups using gamification. So far, our team has a completed wireframe of the application, as well a prototype of the website. We have completed the home screen and the logins screen of the site. We are also hosting the site on a Chapman server. We are currently working on the matching system and the chat system.Improving Group Findings in the GCI Programs Poster