75 posts categorized in

Education, Internet, and Technology


Internet Safety for Kids Mason Pennell, Kevin Le, Ariel Kuo, Benson Lee

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

In the face of growing Internet complexity, children start interacting with the internet very early on. However, internet safety has not been taken as seriously as it should be by schools. To help current and future generations, we’ve created a syllabus that elementary schools can implement in their curriculum. Our syllabus intends to tackle all

An Application For Detecting Grocery Store Discounts Matthew Favela, Tiffany Le, Hunter Peasley, Caden Goodwin, Ethan Santana, and Ryan Shihabi

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Companies have no way of verifying if their discounts are in circulation. Providing discounts at unscheduled times can cause revenue loss for companies. Our proposed solution is to create an object detection model capable of locating product discounts and a mobile app to communicate the model’s findings with the product’s company. We are the first

Access to Disability Services at Chapman University Angela Atis, Quinn Barrett, Caroline Gluck, and Mary Shkouratoff

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our group focused on the disabilities services at Chapman University and how they support and help their students with disabilities. We conducted interviews and surveys to learn more about how students with disabilities are represented at Chapman. We also learned about what ways and learning environments are best for students with disabilities. View the full

Tech Literacy for the Elderly Liana Ikoyan, Yanelly Mego

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace such that many, especially older adults, cannot keep up. Though these changes create a positive impact on several areas and industries, the lack of learning can generate a gap in technological literacy and knowledge. This can be most commonly found in devices like phones. This project attempts to

Finally. Smart Energy. For a Smart Home. Nathan Miller, Mia Lee, Karla Carmona, Willie Sine, Samuel Navias

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Initially beginning with wind energy, our team successfully created a residential wind turbine that could efficiently charge and maintain small household electronics & appliances. We soon realized we coudldn’t stop there. Wind energy was efficient, just not efficient enough for what we set out to do. We began to develop the Switch 1.0, a basic

SolarShine – A Robotic Cleaning System for Residential Solar Panels Nikhil Ahuja, Apoorva Chilukuri, Caroline Robinson, Kara Tangenberg

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Global warming is increasing at an alarming rate, with non-renewable energy sources to blame. They emit excessive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, yet the world continues to use them over renewables. With solar energy specifically, the cost and labor that comes with solar panel installation are what drive people away from using this resource.

EZ MED Derek Norman, Darren Pak, Mitchell Underdahl, Emily Nguyen, Ofek Shoichet, Paul Zhao, Ori Garibi

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

The Grand Challenge our group chose to face this semester is to improve medication adherence among patients with cognitive impairment causing memory loss. Our solution to this grand challenge was to create a pill dispensing apparatus that will dispense medication on a fixed time interval. Our compact design allows the user to fill the dispenser

Overpopped! – Females for a Sustainable Future Ava Cison, Cara Hunter, Rama Bedri, Lauren Hu

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

We are finding an ethical solution to overpopulation that centers on female empowerment, education, and increased contraceptive access both locally and globally. We created an interactive, collaborative StoryMap to educate the public on contraceptive accessibility. Our map allows us to project our data for easy visual representation whilst incorporating community input through our survey on

Effects of Technology on Memory and Cognition Azure Gilmore, Gabriella Suarez, Caroline Gallagher, Lorenzo Pessi, Avery Whyte

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

One of the leading causes of death amongst the elderly is Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia that results in rapid neurodegeneration (Gornia et al. 2006). Our grand challenge consisted in finding a way to combat such a disease. Our team focused on the relationship between technology/exercise and cognitive capabilities. Participants were assigned a cognitive

A Data Science Approach to Gerrymandering Thomas Gooding, Dara Herman, Erik Hombledal, Luc Rieffel, Alejandro Rea, Christian Ton-That

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

Gerrymandering is the rearrangement of election districts in such a way that gives one political party an advantage over the other. It is often used to suppress the weight of the political minority. Currently, redistricting is overseen by the majority political party within each state. It persists as an issue today because there are no

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