161 posts categorized in

Student presentations


Building Empathy for the Colorblind with Virtual Reality Meghna Raswan, Isa Lee, Emily Dong, Nicole Poentis, Angela Pham

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our goal is to increase empathy for people that are colorblind and work towards positive social change by creating an educational virtual reality (VR) game. In our VR game, there are multiple mini-game scenarios in which the player must complete an everyday task as someone who is colorblind, such as distinguishing between traffic light colors

Thymol Oil and Imidacloprid Used as an Alternative Pesticide to Reduce Bee Population Decline Kada Ayithi, Alexia Campbell, Izzy Dhindsa, Jaclyn Pak, Jade Suselo, Jesse Tran

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our group focused on the declining bee population, which has been a source of concern for the agricultural industry. Although pollinators are made up of a diverse variety of species, bees perform a majority of pollination, specifically in agriculture. The decline of bee pollinators inevitably has decreased crop yield, which is disadvantageous from an environmental

Protective Detective: Gamifying Cyber Safety Education Isabella Sills, Nikita Shetty, Kashish Pandey

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Educational kids’ game called Protective Detective that helps inform middle schoolers about the importance of cyber safety. The goal of this game is to introduce and emphasize internet safety practices to help them navigate this rapidly evolving digital world. Protective Detective Poster Protective Detective Module 1 Prototype

Reinventing the Toilet Ian Hakeman, James Hazen, Jose Arellano

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our grand challenge is to reinvent the toilet. Contemporary flushing toilets waste an immense amount of water and also spread aerosols carrying viruses and bacteria when flushed. Through our research we discovered that vacuum toilets use roughly one-twelfth of the water per flush and also produce significantly fewer aerosols. We conducted a survey of Chapman

Using UVC Light as an Effective Form of Sanitation Kayla Ghodsi, Tally Holcombe, Jamie Kwong, Cristin Lue, Destiny Ly, Leia Reddy

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our goal is to manage disease outbreak by using UVC light as a new, efficient yet effective form of sanitation. It is important to find a way to successfully clean commonly touched/used surfaces multiple times a day to reduce the spread while trying to help maintain good public health. Using UVC Light as an Effective

Varying Dye Color and Nanoparticle Coating in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells for the Highest Efficiency Tia Fidaleo, Jackson Goldberg, Ramsey Elshiwick, Elif Narbay

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

As the climate crisis emergency gains a new sense of urgency with only less than 10 years remaining until the damage becomes irreversible, the need for integrating renewable energy sources into our society becomes even more pressing. Solar panels are expensive but if we can increase their efficiency and lower their cost it would give

Greenhouse Gas Capture by Education Patrick Polcuch, Nikki Gelb, Sam Urbina, Kevin Alvarado Jimenez

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our group was tasked with finding a novel method to capture greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gas production has proliferated alongside industrial development in most countries which has induced detrimental processes concerning our environment, which to this day, is in danger due to the presence of greenhouse gases lingering in the Earth’s atmosphere. Our group now strives

Curing Alzheimer’s: Use of microbubbles and ultrasound to increase blood brain barrier permeability for drug delivery Elizabeth Lee, Sam Covaia, and Katie Rodeghiero

May 11, 2021 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that is estimated to affect over 6 million Americans. The disease is marked by the presence of plaques and tangles in the brain. While some trials have hoped to combat these plaques using antibodies, the semipermeable blood brain barrier (BBB) blocks their passage. In order to get antibodies across

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