Back in April 2017, IS&T began the process of renovating the training lab in Beckman Hall 201.  We are excited to share the new collaborative flex space with you.

BK 201 rear view

BK 201 Front View






The new room setup consists of 5 stations, all with moveable furniture that can be configured to best suite the needs of the individuals or groups using the space.  Each station has its own TV display with an Apple TV and HDMI connection so users can display their devices on a larger screen.  An additional large screen monitor has been mounted in the back of the room which is used to mirror the projector display.

Touch Panel ControllerThe instructor station has some new features as well.  There is a touch screen panel that controls all of the displays in the room.  In the event someone at one of the stations would like to display their screen for everyone to see, the instructor has the ability to switch sources between the different stations.

Beckman Hall 201 is still used as an IT training space, but it is also available for individual class meetings, when an instructor needs access to a room that facilitates student group work and active learning. It is open and available to students when not reserved for an IT training or class meeting during building hours, 7am – 11pm, and does not require a reservation.

If you have any questions or would like to reserve BK 201 for a class meeting, please contact Mary Litch at