A famous quote once said that only two things in life were certain: death and taxes. However, in this modern era we may need to consider adding tax season related phishing attempts to that list. Phishing attempts during tax season are a serious threat to data security. In fact, the threat is so serious that the IRS recently issued a Cyber Security warning earlier this month regarding the uptick in phishing attempts.

That alert can be read here: https://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/IRS-Alerts-Payroll-and-HR-Professionals-to-Phishing-Scheme-Involving-W2s

Knowledge is power! During tax season, information security experts advise that you remain vigilant as the additional stress of the season can make it easier for criminals to be successful in their phishing attempts.  Knowing what to look for can help lower that stress, and help protect you from attacks.  Below are a few links from the Microsoft Security Center website to help guide you on what to look for in phishing scams.  The more you know about phishing, the more difficult it will be for cyber attackers to coax you into inadvertently giving them your personal information.  This knowledge will also enable you to help those who you work with on knowing what to look for in a scam and how to prevent being attacked in the future.

Remember, if you receive an email that does not look right to you or is making you feel uneasy, do not hesitate to contact the IS&T Service Desk, via email at servicedesk@chapman.edu or on the phone at (714) 997-6600, for further assistance.

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