Adding Teams to all of your Outlook meetings is a great way to make meetings more accessible to those may not be able to attend in person. To add Teams to all current and future Outlook meetings, simply follow the steps below.

(Please note: This feature will not apply to “New Appointment” in your Outlook calendar. Be sure to select “New Meeting”.) 

Screenshot of the New appointment and New Meeting buttons in Outlook Calendar. New Meeting has a green checkmark and New Appointment has a red X.

Adding Teams to All Outlook Meetings:

1) Go to and log in with your Chapman credentials.

2) Click on the settings icon in the top-right corner.

Animated image of the curser moving to the settings icon.

(click to view animation)


3) Click “View all Outlook Settings“.

Animated image of the curser moving to View all outlook settings.

(click to view animation)


4) Select Calendar > Events and invitations.

Animated image of the curser clicking on Calendar, then to events and invitations.

(click to view animation)


5) Check the box for “Add online meetings to all meetings“.

Animated image of the curser clicking on Calendar, events and invitations, and Add online meetings to all meetings.

(click to view animation)


6) Click Save to apply your changes.