Chapman University is moving to the Interfolio RPT system to manage faculty portfolios and the committee workflows for tenure and promotion.  For nearly a decade, Chapman University has been using a homegrown system based on WordPress.  The new Interfolio system will provide a more robust, secure and scalable system that will accommodate Chapman’s current needs and into the future.  Prior to the pandemic, a team including representatives from the Provost’s Office and Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) reviewed several options and identified Interfolio as the best choice. The implementation of this software was planned with input from the Faculty Senate, the Senate Executive Board, and the IT Faculty Advisory Board. The implementation began in January 2021, working with a group of Pilot faculty for feedback. The first cohort of Critical Year candidates will use this platform for the 21-22 review cycle. Over the summer, content was migrated from the legacy wordpress platform to Interfolio RPT by request, and the remaining content will be migrated next year, 2022.  IS&T and OFA are now providing training and orientation to the evaluators and committees who will be review the materials housed on Interfolio RPT.

We are excited about the move to Interfolio as it provides a number of improvements over our legacy system, including a more straightforward interface for the upload of required candidate documents, an ongoing “Dossier” repository for candidate materials to be added and curated throughout a faculty member’s career, and the opportunity for evaluators to directly upload their evaluation letters to the platform.

Please note that Interfolio is a cloud-based system, and like all cloud-based systems, has been reviewed for data security and privacy.  In the future, IS&T and OFA plan to work together to implement other Interfolio tools, include Faculty Activity Reporting and Faculty Recruiting.