3 posts tagged

Pulse VPN


F5 VPN to Replace Pulse VPN F5 VPN will provide enhanced security along with stronger and more reliable connectivity.

November 24, 2021 by | IS&T

IS&T is replacing our current Pulse VPN solution with F5 ‘BIG-IP’ Secured VPN. With F5 VPN, users will experience faster and more reliable connectivity. Also, F5 VPN will enhance security by requiring Chapman’s Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when using VPN to access your remote desktop, Panther Analytics, or network shared drives (R Drive, J Drive, etc.).

Pulse VPN Cyber Attack Update

April 28, 2021 by | IS&T

Last week, IS&T made an announcement regarding the a recent cyber-attack on Pulse VPN. Many of the victims of this attach range from Financial Institutions, Higher Education, Government Agencies, and even Defense Contractors. Fortunately, Chapman University has not been affected by the recent attack and IS&T has already implemented the recommended mitigations. However, we are

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