The Tax Appeal Assistance Program (“TAAP”) recently won the largest award since its inception at Chapman in the fall of 2006.  Chapman student Michael Larkin (‘08) took the case of a small business owner from Orange County who had been fined by state tax authorities for allegedly failing to pay a penalty and several years of interest.  Under the guidance of TAAP’s director and California Board of Equalization attorney Craig Shaltes, Michael researched and wrote a successful appellate brief, securing an abatement for his client of more than $10,000. TAAP is a program of the Board of Equalization to assist low-income tax payers with appeals from state tax decisions.  Students at four law schools across the state represent clients on a variety of matters, such as head of household filing status, homeowner and renter property tax assistance, and statute of limitations.  The Chapman program’s victory is the largest that any of the four law schools has achieved.