Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in a story in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Lenders derail plan to let bankruptcy judges modify mortgages.”  Although some lenders have offered to work out voluntary modifications with strapped borrowers, subject to strict conditions, “there are a lot of structural barriers to loan modifications, and a voluntary system doesn’t do enough to affect them,” said Kurt Eggert, a law professor at Chapman University who studies mortgage issues. Read story…

Professor Kurt Eggert was also quoted in a story in Money Magazine entitled “Waiting for the subprime perp walk” where he discussed what lawsuits and prosecutions we could see coming from the subprime meltdown. “Count on some big lawsuits and perhaps even prosecutions. (All it may take, says Chapman University law professor Kurt Eggert, is an e-mail in which some banker or trader or analyst admits, ‘Dudes, this stuff is garbage….'”). Read story…