For the second straight year, the Bergener & Associates Scholarship will generously support Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law students who have chosen to start law school after at least one year of experience in the workplace. The firm’s gift increased from $25,000 to $50,000, now supporting ten law students per year. With the additional funds, the five who received the award in fall of 2013 will continue the awarded scholarship into their second year.

“It was such a pleasure meeting the students who received the Bergener & Associates scholarships. Sam and I are firm believers in Dean Campbell’s vision for the Fowler School of Law and are happy to help these students on their journey. We were so impressed upon making their acquaintance that we increased the scholarship. We appreciate the life experiences that brought these students to Chapman and have full confidence in their upcoming legal careers. We are delighted we can help the law school attract such capable individuals and know the legal community will benefit from their experiences.”- Bergener & Associates founder, James Bergener.

Below is the picture of the
2013 Bergener & Associates Scholarship recipients
who, thanks to the generosity of Samuel Mirejovsky
(JD ’14)
and James M. Bergener, will now continue their scholarship into their second year.


Andrew Still (JD ’16), Samuel Mirejovsky (JD ’14), Melissa Frisco (JD ‘16), James M. Bergener, Kyle Hindin (JD ‘16), Lorin Herzfeldt (JD ‘16), and Lindsey Wyatt (JD ‘16)

The first-year recipients of the Bergener & Associates Scholarship must have worked full-time for at least one year (preferably in a legal setting) prior to entering law school. The students will have demonstrated that they have acquired work skills and obtained competencies through real-world experiences. The second-year award now follows the recipients from the first year.

“When I learned that Bergener & Associates doubled their gift, I was thrilled. Now and in the future we can recruit at least five students with the promise of a two year, $10,000 scholarship. This is very useful when we are engaging conscientious students who might not be able to afford law school without this type of scholarship. James and his associate Sam have truly been generous to our students and I know they have a great appreciation for their support,” said Dean Tom Campbell.

Bergener & Associates
is a California personal injury law firm. They actively seek lawyers who possess their brand of dedication to the law and client service. They believe attorneys who have explored the workplace and its challenges prior to completing their legal education often have the strongest sense of this ethic.