Associate Dean Donald Kochan’s article “The ‘Reason-Giving’ Lawyer: An Ethical, Practical, and Pedagogical Perspective” was recently published in
The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics
(Volume XXVI, Number 2, Spring 2013).

Excerpt from the abstract:

kochan-reason-giving-color-cover-small“Whether as a matter of duty, ethics, or utility, lawyers give reasons for their actions all the time. In the various venues in which legal skills must be employed, reason-giving is required in some, expected in others, desired in many, and useful in most. This Essay underscores the pervasiveness of reason-giving in the practice of law and the consequent necessity of lawyers developing a skill at giving reasons.”

View the full publication

kochan-announcement-blog-smallDonald Kochan
is the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development and professor of law at Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law. Dean Kochan has published more than 30 scholarly articles and essays in well-respected law journals. His work has been cited in more than 250 published law review articles, and his articles have been downloaded more than 9,500 times from SSRN and BePress. In addition to his scholarly publications, Dean Kochan has published opinion editorials in leading newspapers across the country, recently including the
Wall Street Journal
and the
L.A. Times.
He has presented his work at national legal conferences and at law schools domestic and foreign, has testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, and has appeared on national radio and cable news broadcasts.

See more of Dean Kochan’s writings