LA Times Publishes Dean Campbell's Op-Ed

August 21, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed by Dean Tom Campbell entitled “A federal boost for the jobs market.”  In the piece, Dean Campell proposed, “The government could agree to provide for 50% of a new employee’s salary if an employer adds a job and gives it to someone who’s been out of work six


Professor Hernandez Highlighted in OC Weekly

August 19, 2011 by | Faculty

The Orange County Weekly highlighted Professor Ernesto Hernandez as a scholar, cook, and activist. The article, entitled, “Ernesto Hernandez, Chapman University Law Professor, to Appear on Panel at National Street Food Conference,” discussed Professor Hernandez’ appearance in San Francisco this August. The panel was called “The Life and Death of the Great American Food Truck.”


Professor Eggert Interviewed for Series of Mortgage Articles

August 15, 2011 by | Faculty

The Detroit Free Press interviewed Professor Kurt Eggert, a national expert on mortgage issues, in a series of articles about mortgage principal reductions.  “If you don’t do principal reductions as home prices decrease, more people walk away from their mortgages,” said Professor Eggert. “If the house is substantially underwater, borrowers have much less incentive to


Professor Lipman Publishes Paper on Social Security

August 12, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Francine Lipman and Professor James Williamson of San Diego State University College of Business Administration recently published their paper entitled “Social Security Benefits Formula 101.”  The paper, which appeared in the Orange County Lawyer in May 2011, is a comprehensive presentation of the Social Security benefits formula. Read about Professor Lipman’s work on the


Professor Rotunda Writes Article on Capitalism vs. Socialism

August 12, 2011 by | Faculty

In the Reuters blog The Great Debate, Professor Rotunda joined Chapman economics professors Vernon Smith and Bart Wilson, to explore whether capitalism or socialism is better in the long run. “Capitalism is about voluntary exchange for mutual benefit – risking loss as well as gain,” the article noted. The article, “Are Capitalists Happier?” described a


Professor Bazyler Highlighted for Trial Success

August 2, 2011 by | Faculty

Assyrian International News Agency highlighted Professor Michael Bazyler’s success as plaintiffs’ counsel, and the early victory Armenian plaintiffs received in a U.S. federal district court in Los Angeles this August. The lawsuit, filed by descendants of Armenian Genocide victims, accuses the defendants of stealing and then profiting from land that was illegally seized during the


Professor Howe Publishes Article on Death Sentences

August 2, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Scott Howe’s article, “Can California Save its Death Sentences? Will Californians Save the Expense?” will be published in Vol. 33 of the Cardozo Law Review in 2012. This Article addresses the future of California’s death penalty, asking whether Californians will soon take steps to avoid the expense of trying to save all of the


ABA Journal Publishes Student's Article

August 1, 2011 by | Student Life

Congratulations to Chapman Tax Law Certificate graduate, Erica Brady, who’s article, “Opinion Point: Are Criminal Fines “Collected Proceeds”?” was published in the ABA Journal this summer. Read about Erica’s article.


Professor Rotunda Published Article on Citizens United

August 1, 2011 by | Faculty

SSRN recently released Professor Ronald Rotunda’s article, “The Intellectual Forebears of Citizens United,” which appears in Vol. 16 of Nexus Journal, p. 113. Professor Rotunda’s article discusses the effects of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) on free speech and elections. Read Professor Rotunda’s article on SSRN.

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