Are you a student who spends hours on end studying in the library? Are you a pro at checking out study rooms and know everything about the library? Apart from requesting books and being a spot to check out reserved items, the circulation desk at the Leatherby Libraries has special
Display case on wall.
items on reserve for community use. Eddie Sauceda, our Head of Circulation, listed all the special items available:

  • Chess Sets
    • Leatherby Libraries has two chess sets students and staff can check out. One is meant for the Yakir Aharonov Alcove, where a chess board is already printed on one of the drum tables. These wooden pieces are a bit smaller to accommodate the frame of the drum.
    • Another set is a larger, with bigger pieces and a rolled mat to accommodate different areas of the library.Vinyl records.
  • LPs
    • Apart from the film and CD library, Leatherby Libraries has a collection of LPs! They are located behind Circulation ranging in various musical genres. Plus, if you don’t have a record player at home, the third floor M. Douglas Library of Music has several record players available for use.
  • Individual Slide Projector
    • For research, we offer an individual portable slide projector for small slides that are hard to view.
  • Cassette Player
    • Though we don’t offer cassettes except through our Special Collections Library, the library does own a cassette player if there is a need for one.
  • CD/DVD Drives
    • A lot of laptops nowadays don’t have a CD/DVD slot anymore. If your laptop is one of them, the library has attachable CD/DVD drives you may check out so that you may watch movies without leaving campus. These drives are limited to a 3hr checkout.
  • Financial, Scientific and Graphic Calculators
    • Though we can’t offer you calculators for the whole semester, the library does have a set of financial, scientific and graphic calculators if you’ve sat down to do homework and realized you left it back in the dorms.
  • Fax Service
    • If you find yourself in need of a fax machine, the circulation desk has one to offer to students. Fees are $1/page sending, and $0.50/page recieving
  • Headphones
    • Like calculators, if you’ve forgotten your headphones, you may check out a set from the circulation desk for a selected amount of time.
  • ILL Distribution
    • A favorite resource of the Leatherby Libraries is our Interlibrary Loan department, which exchanges books and other materials from other libraries. At the circulation desk you can pick-up any material that you have requested and a staff member will help you.
  • GIS Keyboard Equipment
    • If you find yourself needing to use our Geographic Information System, the circulation desk owns the keyboard and mouse for the GIS equipment. These can be checked out while you conduct your research.
  •  Student Assistance Service
    • Finally, we have student assistants working for the library. If you need assistance transferring materials to your car or require other help, circulation assistants can be recruited.

Now you know! The next time you need some of these items, don’t go onto Amazon; visit the campus library and utilize Chapman University’s resources!