Attention Rinker students and faculty, are you ready to jump into the world of virtual and augmented reality? If so, stop by the Rinker Campus Study Commons to check out one of the Leatherby Libraries’ brand-new Meta Quest Pro headsets.

The Leatherby Libraries Health Sciences Librarians have added four Meta Quest Pro headsets to the Rinker Campus Library Services. These headsets allow students and faculty to participate in immersive experiences, including clinical simulations, trainings, and human anatomy applications in an academic setting. Implementing virtual reality in the health science curriculum allows students to practice their medical skills in real time without involving human patients, increasing student accessibility while limiting real-life risks and costs. These new pieces will unlock new perspectives into how students work, create, and collaborate.

Check out our Virtual Reality at the Rinker Campus LibGuide to learn more about utilizing VR technology for your educational journey. Or if you are a faculty member interested in learning more, check out our newest blog about the Virtual Reality Showcase, exclusively for Rinker Faculty. 

If you have questions about VR technologies at the Rinker Campus, contact Health Science Librarians Ivan Portillo at or David Carson at