The Leatherby Libraries collaborated with the Design/Create/Innovate (DCI) Lab under the Fowler School of Engineering to unveil a brand-new book display celebrating the fascinating world of 3-D printing and makerspaces. Makerspaces are public areas that encourage communities to collaborate and learn about new technologies to generate creative outputs. 

Pictured: Dr. Thomas Piechota, Interim Dean of Fowler School of Engineering, with the 3D Printing Display.

The Design/Create/Innovate Lab (DCI) is a makerspace that supports interdisciplinary learning for all Chapman University students, staff, and faculty. It allows the Chapman community access to 3-D printing, soldering, vacuum forming, and more. The makerspace is an excellent on-campus opportunity to turn your creative ideas into physical reality! Check out the DCI Lab in the Swenson Family Hall of Engineering. 

The display draws attention to the advancements and innovative technologies that constantly evolve to further develop the field of 3D printing. Included in this display is 3D PRINTING The Definitive Handbook: An Essential How-To for Beginners, Hobbyists, and Innovators by Jay Bourgeois and Daniel Rossong, which provides a brief history of 3D printing technology development as well as an introduction of 3D printing techniques that can be used with different machines. Another title included in the display is 3D Printing For Total Beginners, which offers troubleshooting information and printing solutions for beginners working with 3D printing machines. Check out the virtual bibliography for this display to explore more resources in the Leatherby Libraries’ collection.

In addition to books, this display includes 3D-printed objects created by Chapman students and staff in the DCI Lab. A couple of highlighted objects on display include 3D-printed book holders fabricated by our very own student employee, Isabella Piechota, in collaboration with Vince Vumbaco, Assistant Director of Labs and Makerspaces at the Fowler School of Engineering, and Oscar Yustman, Design Specialist for Labs and Makerspaces at the Fowler School of Engineering from the DCI. 

3D printed objects included in our display:

  • Orange Turtle Machine
  • Gray Bust
  • Black Fenestra Cube
  • Blue and Red Vases
  • Pink Snake Chain
  • Yoda Statue 

During the week of 3-D Printing Day, the DCI team generously loaned the Leatherby Libraries an original Prusa i3 MK3S+ 3D Printer that printed 3-D-printed bracelets for students. Check out a video of the machine hard at work.

Special thanks to Vince Vumbaco and Oscar Yustman, from the DCI for their contributions to this project, including the setting up the Prusa Mini 3D Printer!

You can visit our 3D-printing display in the 1st Floor Lobby through January 2025. Stay tuned for more collaborations between the Leatherby Libraries, the DCI, and the Fowler School of Engineering.

This book display was curated by Leatherby Libraries Student Employees Isabella Piechota ’25, Arianna Tillman ’25, and Annikah Carpio ’26.

* During the Academic Year 2024-2025, Leatherby Libraries proudly celebrates 20 years of supporting the academic experience at Chapman University.