232 posts categorized in

Exhibits and Displays


National Arab American Heritage Month Display A Display Celebrating the Arab American Culture and Heritage

April 25, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

Starting this year, President Joe Biden issued a historic proclamation recognizing National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM) for April. In honor of this proclamation, the Leatherby Libraries presents a display celebrating National Arab American Heritage Month. This display celebrates the Arab American culture, heritage, and experience and pays tribute to the contributions of Arab Americans

Orange County Historical Sites and Scenes A new artwork installation at the Leatherby Libraries

April 7, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries is excited to announce a new artwork installation on the library’s first floor. Thanks to a generous gift from Trustee Emeritus Joann Leatherby, 12 intricate copper engravings of famous Orange County Historical Sites and Scenes are now on display. According to our Coordinator of Special Collections, Lauren McDaniel, these prints are from

César Chávez Display A display honoring the educator, environmentalist, and civil rights leader

March 9, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries presents a display celebrating César Chávez Day, celebrated on March 31, 2023. This display honors César Chávez’s legacy as an educator, environmentalist, and civil rights leader. It includes publications such as Jacques E. Levy’s Cesar Chávez : autobiography of La Causa and Robert L. Holmes and Barry L. Gan’s Nonviolence in theory

Motherhood to motherhoods Display Ideologies of 'The Feminine'

March 9, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries is hosting a semester-long display in conjunction with the upcoming conference Motherhood to motherhoods: Ideologies of ‘The Feminine’ from Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30, 2023. This conference is hosted by Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Diversity and Development Libarian Essraa Nawar will participate as a panelist in

Celebrate Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week Honoring the contributions of books and art produced for children

February 7, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries presents a display celebrating Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week, which occurs the first week of February. This display honors the many celebrated children’s books authors and illustrators that bring fantasy to life, and includes literature from authors of children’s books such as The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad, Stargazing by Jen Wang,

Martin Luther King Jr. Display A Book Display Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Nonviolent Efforts to Resist Racial Segregation

January 19, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries presents a display on Martin Luther King Jr. to start the new year! This display honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his nonviolent efforts to resist racial segregation in the United States. The display includes books such as I Have A Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dear Dr. King: Letters

The Black Book Nook Fostering education and community engagement with Black history, thought, literature, and culture

December 15, 2022 by | Exhibits and Displays

On Friday, November 4, 2022, the Leatherby Libraries and Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion celebrated the launch of the Black Book Nook on the first floor of the library. The Black Book Nook Collection fosters education and community engagement with Black history, thought, literature, and culture. The Black Book Nook currently has over 250

Celebrating the 77th Anniversary of the United Nations

December 2, 2022 by | Exhibits and Displays

October 24, 2022, marked the 77th anniversary of the United Nations. The Leatherby Libraries honored this day with a book display. The Leatherby Libraries’ United Nations Book Display draws attention to the significance of the United Nations’ history. With over 30 books on display, we inspire students to learn more about the history of the

The Life and Art of Charlotte Salomon A special display of books, art and paintings

November 18, 2022 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries, in collaboration with the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library and the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education, created a display to highlight German-Jewish artist Charlotte Salomon. With the Holocaust progressing and belonging to a family with a long history of suicide, Charlotte expressed her grief, fear, and love through paintings and

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