7 posts categorized in

Library Research and Data Services


Everything You Need to Know about R Programming A Summer Workshop Series at the Rinker Campus

July 1, 2024 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries is pleased to introduce a 3-part Introduction to R Programming Summer Workshop Series to introduce students, staff, and faculty to fundamental coding concepts in R. R programming is an effective tool that can propel efficiency and effectiveness in analyzing complex statistical analyses while producing quality data visualizations. These workshops are for beginners

The Leatherby Libraries Announces a New Workshop – Introducing Chapman Figshare Learn All About Our Newest Data Repository

April 17, 2024 by | Workshops

The Leatherby Libraries is delighted to offer our first-ever workshop introducing the Chapman research community to our newest data repository, Chapman Figshare! On Tuesday, April 30, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., our Data Services Librarian, Andrew Greenman, will host Introduction to Chapman Figshare. This virtual workshop will show attendees how Chapman Figshare can be utilized to publish

Figshare vs. Digital Commons Developing Your Academic Dissemination Strategy and Boosting Research Visibility

April 2, 2024 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries is delighted to offer two open-access repositories, Chapman Figshare and Chapman University Digital Commons, to support Chapman scholars and researchers in sharing and preserving their research outputs. Both platforms are essential tools for ensuring that research is freely and openly accessible. However, they cater to distinct aspects of the research lifecycle due to

Leatherby Libraries and IS&T Collaborate on Parent Spring Summit Presentations Teaching AI and Information Security to Chapman Parents

February 6, 2024 by | Collaborations and Partnerships

For the first time ever, the Leatherby Libraries and Information Services & Technology (IS&T) department will be presenting at the Parent Spring Summit!  Librarians and IS&T staff will collaborate on two presentations for the upcoming 2024 Parent Spring Summit. These presentations aim to provide parents with relevant information on artificial intelligence and information security in higher education to keep

Love Data? We Do! A Celebration of All Things Data 6 Ways to Celebrate Love Data Week, Feb. 12-16, 2024

February 1, 2024 by | Events

Hosted by ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) at the University of Michigan, International Love Data Week is a celebration of all things data that seeks to bring people together to learn, appreciate, and have fun with data. Credit: Image provided. All Rights Reserved. Love Data Week 2024 February 12-16, 2024 #LoveData24 The 2024 theme is

Write About Your Library Research Experience and Earn a Cash Prize! 2023 Kevin and Tam Ross Undergraduate Research Prize

February 10, 2023 by | News

Did you write a research paper or complete a project this year? Did you use the library’s resources to assist with your research? Did you know the library has the Kevin and Tam Ross Undergraduate Research Prize, which recognizes excellent research and effective use of library resources? For undergraduate students, this research prize requires applicants

Connect to Knowledge: Constellate Text and Data Mining Tool Reap the Rewards with these Resources

October 17, 2022 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries is pleased to offer a new subscription to a text and data mining tool called Constellate. In addition to our recent subscription to TDM Studio, this is the second text and data mining tool acquired to support research, learning, and teaching at Chapman University. Constellate was created by the non-profit ITHAKA to support

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