43 posts tagged



Digital Commons April Update: Altmetrics and Music Programs

April 28, 2016 by | Resources

Things are going very well for Chapman University Digital Commons. Here we will highlight a few new features and collections from April 2016. New feature: Altmetric Badges This month, Altmetric badges were added for to our journal article series. What are altmetrics?  As the name suggests, they are alternative metrics to traditional citation counts, meant

White Boards Introduced to Library’s First Floor

April 26, 2016 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries have introduced two new moveable whiteboards into the study spaces on the first floor, located on the 1 st floor between the Reference Desk and Serials. They are available for use on a first come, first served basis – there is no need to ask the Circulation or Reference desks for permission

Chapman University Digital Commons celebrates 100,000 downloads! Digital Commons shares the scholarship of the Chapman community with the world

March 29, 2016 by | Resources

Chapman University Digital Commons is continuing to soar to new heights, and the month of March has been momentous. Increased Usage and Content In March, we uploaded our 10,000th file to Chapman University Digital Commons. Perhaps more excitingly, works from Digital Commons have now been downloaded over 100,000 times by users from over 190 countries!

Digital Commons soars into its second year

September 21, 2015 by | Resources

Chapman University Digital Commons celebrated its first anniversary on August 13th, and the number of visitors and downloads it has received continue to climb as it enters its second year.  In its first year of operation, the 8,500+ articles, chapters, images, and other files in Digital Commons received over 70,000 page views and over 25,000 downloads!

FINALS WEEK extended library hours begin Sunday, May 10

May 11, 2015 by | News

The end of the semester is fast approaching—and the Leatherby Libraries is springing into gear for finals week. We are continuing our tradition of being open 24-hours during the last two weeks of the semester. From Sunday, May 10, 2015 through Friday, May 22, 2015, library facilities will stay awake with students as you finish projects

Upgrades Make it Easier to Book a Library Study Room

March 17, 2015 by | Resources

Whether you’re working on group projects or cramming together for a final exam, the Leatherby Libraries group study rooms can be an excellent resource. Starting in Spring 2015, they will be even more helpful. Chapman University users will login to the room booking system with their Chapman username and password instead of registering for room booking accounts.

Leatherby Libraries presents its 2013-2014 Annual Report

February 12, 2015 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries is proud to present its annual report, “Leatherby Libraries: A Year in Review 2013-2014.” This report tells the story of the Leatherby Libraries throughout the past academic year. Some highlights include: The launch of Chapman’s digital repository, the Digital Commons The official opening of the California’s Gold exhibit and the Huell Howser Archive A

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