Drs. Mary Ngo and Michael Phan

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Phan (Pharm.D., ’18) who received the Chapman University Distinguished Alumni Award!

Chapman University presents this annual award to alumni who have proven themselves to be exceptional in their accomplishments. The honorees represent the finest values and achievements of Chapman University alumni and serve as role models for students and others in our community.

This year, Chapman University held the Distinguished Alumni Award luncheon over the Chapman Family Homecoming weekend for all the 2021 and 2020 honorees. Dr. Phan attended the event on behalf of the School of Pharmacy along with the 2020 honoree, Dr. Mary Ngo (Pharm.D., ’19) who we could not celebrate together in person due to the pandemic in the previous year.

CUSP appreciates all your hard work as the Alumni Advisory Board Chair Emeritus and current Chair, and we look forward to even more wonderful work you will accomplish!