This is part of an extensive effort to bring all research systems (IRB, IACUC, COI, Sponsored Projects) into an integrated system (Cayuse). In October 2017, The Cayuse IRB was launched and now all protocols are being submitted through this system. Various group and one-on-one training have been conducted to ensure faculty and students understand the system.

In early 2018, the next phase of Cayuse modules to assist with grant preparation, routing, and submission will be launched. The Cayuse products (modules known as SP and 424) provide a user-friendly interface for researchers. The system minimizes proposal errors and warnings during federal grant preparation by checking proposal requirements against in real time. It also allows electronic review and approvals by departmental chairpersons, deans, and other reviewers. Specific dates for training and go live will be identified after the first of the year.

Questions for any of the Cayuse products should be directed to the Office of Research at extension 2805 or by email at