Chapman has received the Productivity Award from Cayuse, LLC in recognition of the efforts for reducing burden for research staff and faculty at Chapman over the past 3 years. Molly McCarty accepted the award on behalf of Chapman at the Connect by Cayuse meeting, September 22-24, where various sessions presented innovations in research administration.

Chapman Office of Research has grown from 7 people in 2016, to 17 in 2020 that supports the associated 200% growth of research expenditures over this 4-year period. The Office is committed to supporting Chapman faculty and student success and ensuring the highest of integrity of research ethics. “Molly was a key part of working with IS&T to implement the Cayuse SP system that allowed the office to be paperless, which has made it much easier to work remotely,” commented Jill Borland, Director of Sponsored Projects Services. On this Research Administrator Day, September 25, we recognize the dedication of all at Chapman that support research and creative activity.