Choc Children’s 2020 Research Day will be, Wednesday, November 18.  This year’s theme is the Advancing Pediatric Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Scientific Virtual poster-PowerPoint Call for Abstracts: The Submission Deadline is 10/26/20. Please submit your work for consideration to:

  • Abstracts are limited to 300 words and may be unrelated to the Research Day theme.
  • Work previously presented (within the past year) may be submitted for consideration.
  • All accepted abstracts and/or posters will be presented internally through a virtual platform during the week of November 18th.

In addition, 4-5 posters will be selected by the Research Institute Abstract Review Committee for live, virtual presentation during the Research Day Poster Session on 11/18 between 3:00-4:30pm.

The selected authors will be notified by 10/30/20.

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